Defining the Teeing Ground
Monday, September 01, 2014
According to the USGA the definition of the teeing ground is: "The starting place for the hole to be played. It is a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth,
Did You Address the Ball?
Friday, August 15, 2014
The USGA says "A player has “addressed the ball” when he has grounded his club immediately in front of or immediately behind the ball, whether or not he has taken
What To Do If You Lost Your Ball
Sunday, August 10, 2014
According to Rule 27-1 from the USGA you have five minutes to search for your ball. This time starts from when you actually start searching for the ball. If you
Not so Hazardous Water
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
According to the USGA, "'Casual water' is any temporary accumulation of water on the course that is not in a water hazard and is visible before or after the player
How Many “Strokes” did You Actually Take?
Sunday, June 01, 2014
The USGA defines a stroke as "the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing