Ways to Grip the Golf Club

Baseball Grip/Ten-Finger Grip

This grip is when you grip the golf club with the top hand index finger and bottom hand pinky finger are side by side touching each other. This grip is recommended for people with weak hands and wrists. It gives your hands the most freedom to turn the club over.

Interlocking Grip

This grip is when you grip the golf club with the top hand index finger and bottom hand pinky finger interlocking each other. This is recommended for people with small hands. This grip unifies the hands the most out of the three different styles. This cuts down on wrist movement. This grip is good for people who have have active wrists.

Overlapping Grip / Vardon Grip

This grip is when you grip the golf club with the bottom hand pinky finger on top of the crease between the top hand index finger and middle finger. This is a popular grip for golfers with large hands. This grip is a good medium of the previous two grips. It unifies the hands but also keeps them free at the same time.



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